Sunday, 22 January 2017

Stupid C Programming Part 4 (Data And Data Types)

Data And Data Typed In Programming Language.

        After writing the first program we are going to the next part of programming. Basically we write a program to work on data or to operate on data. The operation can be an arithmetic operation on some numeric data, or can be some sorting operation on a list of names etc. So basically we are going to perform some operation by our program and we need some data to perform this operation. So every data has a data type, for example numeric data, alphabetic data etc.

There are basically 3 types of data we have in C language.

1. Primitive Data Type/Basic Data Types.
2. Derived Data Type.
3. User Defined Data Type.

        Primitive Data Type/Basic Data Types : Primitive data types are defined in programming language. These data type are the base of other data types. There are 3 predefined data types available in C programming language.

1. int or integer data (Ex. : 1,2,10,100 etc).
2 float or fractional data (Ex : 5.9, 5.6,7.2 etc).
3 char or character data (Ex : a, b, x, X, !, @ , # etc).

        Derived Data Type : Derived data types are are data types that are derived from base type of the language. 

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